Being Brave

I have been working on this blog for a few days now, but I have been unsure as to whether to make it’s presence more widely known.

Whilst writing about loss is cathartic, sharing those thoughts feels a little like standing naked in the school yard.   The internet can be a cruel place of faceless judgement, and whilst you might believe a bereaved parent to be held sacred, that is far from the truth.

Then I remembered the days after Xavier’s death by SIDS.  I would scour the internet in the hopes of finding a story that reflected my own.  I wanted to know that people lived through losing their children.  That people found hope again.  That grief would eventually become gentler.   And I found some of those stories.  And they did help.  They let me know I wasn’t alone.  They prepared me for the path ahead.  I am grateful to those brave parents, who let their fears, dreams and hopes become words that others could grab onto.   If I can count myself amongst their number, then that is enough.

So, with a great big gulp, I am going to plunge in and share my story with the world.